Language, Identity, Multiculturalism and Global Empowerment (L’IMAGE) Project

Professor Ai Taniguchi teaches linguistics at the University of Toronto Mississauga. She started the L’IMAGE project to portray different multilingual students’ experiences. Read more about the L’IMAGE project here and also here.

Read my story’s comic in full here.

“All three languages make me who I am.”

Mariela Sol Torroba Hennigen on finding her voice as a trilingual writer, sharing deeply personal stories, and truly ‘making’ a book.

Read my interview with Whitney V. Buluma in her newsletter here.

Programa Prisma — Radio Aliança

(Porto Alegre, Brasil)

Mariela compartilhou um pouco da sua experiência de estar morando e cursando a faculdade de comunicação na Universidade de Toronto, no Canadá. A entrevista inicia no minuto 29:40.


Catholic Christian Outreach — Personal Faith Testimony

(Toronto, Canada)

“I wanted to make that adult faith decision for myself and not because anyone was telling me. When I started Discovery, I thought I knew a lot about my faith, but it turns out that I didn't.”

Read all of Mariela’s testimony on Catholic Christian Outreach’s Instagram post.